中图法分类号 S 571.9;S 685.99
Evaluation on Tea-process Fitness of Eight Yellow
Camellias Based on Tea Polyphenols and Amino Acids
Liang Ji Yang Zhende Lu Tianling Huang Sumei
Abstract The contents of tea polyphenols and amino acids in fresh leaves of Camellia nitidissima,C.nitidissima form longistyla,C.euphlebia,C.pingguoensis,C.tunghinensis.C.pubipetala,C.ptilosperma,C.
longganensis var.grandis were examined for estimating the tea-process fitness of the yellow camellias,and the two common teas (Xianhui tea and Fuyun green tea) from market were also employed . The results showed that tea polyphe nols and amino acids were different between the camellias. C. pubipetala had the highest tea polyphenols(11.7%,yong leaves) in all species, lower than Xianhui tea(18.25%) and Fuyun green tea(16.62%),but it had the highest conten t of amino acids(6.3%,yong leaves) in all matrials, and had a top mark in the comprehensive scoring for yong leaves or mature leaves in all species. The ratio of tea polyphenol to amino acid was 0.6~3.1 in all species,lower than Xianhui tea(3.4) and Fuyun green tea (4.1). Xianhui tea form
Key words yellow camellias,tea polyphenols,amino acids,tea-process fitness
金花茶于1960年在广西首先发现并于1965年正式发表后,引起了国内外 植物界和园艺界的极大关注。迄今发现的金花茶种类已有20多个分类群[1,4], 但 目前对各种金花茶的制茶适宜性尚缺乏系统研究。因此,本研究根据成品茶品质与鲜叶化学 成分的关系,就影响与决定茶叶品质的一些生化指标进行测定分析,并以市售普通绿茶作参照,分析各种金花茶的制茶生化指标与普通成品茶的差异,为提高 “金花茶”茶制品的品质和合理选择制茶原料提供参考。
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
供试材料采自广西大学林学院山茶物种园。种类有:金花茶(Camellia nitidissima )、长柱金花茶(C.nitidissima form longistyla)、显脉金花茶(C.euphlebia) 、平果金花茶(C.pingguoensis)、东兴金花茶(C.tunghinensis) 、毛瓣金花茶(C.pubip etala)、毛籽金花茶(C.ptilosperma)、大样岗金花茶(C. longganensis var.gra ndis)。以市售成品茶(昭平仙回茶和灵山中秀福云绿茶)作茶叶主要生化指标测定的参 照。
1.2 生化指标的测定
取幼叶和成熟叶分别在105℃下烘干,磨碎过30目筛后供生化指标测定。茶多酚、氨 基酸、儿茶素、黄酮类和花青素等含量测定按文献[5]的方法进行。
2 结果与分析
2.1 茶多酚类物质含量
从表1看出,不同种的金花茶或同一种金花茶的不同 叶龄,其茶多酚含量有极明显的差异。其中毛瓣金花茶的茶多酚含量最高,尤其是幼叶,含 量高达11.7%, 比目前用于制茶的金花茶高出2.5%,而与市售的昭平仙回茶(18.3%)和灵山中秀福云绿茶(16.6%) 的茶多酚含量较为接近。因而,就茶多酚含量而言,毛瓣金花 茶较适于制茶,而东兴金花茶无论是成熟叶还是幼叶,其茶多酚含量均属最低。
从测定结果(表1)看,金花茶植物的儿茶素含量普遍较低,远低于市售成品茶。供试的 种类中毛瓣金花茶儿茶素含量较高,其制茶适宜性比其他种类要好。各种金花茶的幼叶均比 成熟叶有较高的黄酮类物质,尤其是显脉金花茶和毛瓣金花茶,其含量分别为0.43%和0.4 1%,与市售昭平仙回茶(0.58%)和灵山中秀福云绿茶(0.48%)较为接近。毛瓣金花茶和长柱 金花茶的花青素含量处于相对较低水平。
2.2 氨基酸含量
从表1可看出,各种金花茶成熟叶的氨基酸含量均在2.0%以下,而幼叶氨基酸含量却 较高,除东兴金花茶外,其余种的氨基酸含量均在4.6%以上,其中毛瓣金花茶幼叶氨基酸 含量高达6.3%,明显高于昭平仙回茶(5.4%)和灵山中秀福云绿茶(4.1%),也高于已用于 生产茶制品的金花茶(5.79%)。
表1 8种金花茶主要化学成分含量、酚/氨及综合评分
Table 1 Contents of main chemical compositions, phenol-ammonia ratio and comprehensive marks in eight yellow camellias