发布时间 2009-07-07 浏览 33174 次
mon groups were Symphyla Coleoptera Hymenoptera.The groups and individuals of s oil arthropod community increased with the contents of soil organic matter and t otal N,and it decreased with soil depth.The curve of diversity index was simila r to the curve of evenness of soil arthropod community. The production activity affected diversity of soil arthropod community to a certain extent.

  Key words Tea plantation, soil arthropod, community struct ure, soil environment

  思茅山区位于云南西南部,22°02′~24°50′N、99°09′~102°19′E,为低纬度高原季风气候区,年降雨量1580mm,年均温18℃~20℃;干湿季分明。为探索土壤节肢动物的群落特征与茶园土壤环境的关系,提高茶园土壤肥力,建设高产、高效、优质生态茶园,我们对云南思茅茶园土壤节肢动物进行了调查研究。 1 样地选择和研究方法 1.1 样地生境

  6种类型茶园生境及有关背景资料如表1。表 1 思茅茶园样地主要

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17 
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