发布时间 2009-07-11 浏览 23841 次

赖家平 谭昌云 陈伟珍 方 蕾 杜贤新 钟 维 招 龙摘 要 用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定了茶叶中锂元素的含量。并比较了两种消解茶叶方法的测定结果。实验结果表明,干法比湿法效果要好得多,干法消解的回收率在92.2%~96.1%之间。 关键词:茶叶,锂,火焰原子吸收光谱法(FAAS)。 Determination of Lithium in Tea by FAAS Lai Jiaping,Tan Changyun,Chen Weizhen,Fang Lei,Du Xianxin,Zhong Wei,Zhao Long(Zhanjiang Normal College,Zhanjiang 524048) Abstract Lithium in tea was determined by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS).The results achieved by two sample digestions are compared.It is shown experimently that the ashy-digestion method is superior to watery-digestion method.The recovery ratio of the ashy-digestion is 92.2%~96.1%.Keywords:Lithium,Tea,Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy.


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