发布时间 2010-11-12 浏览 32150 次

摘 要:本文就云南普洱茶的概念,结合对云南普洱茶不同厂家普洱茶成品样的分析研究结果,从茶叶主要功能成分的化学机能以及普洱茶呈味物质比例与品质的关系,提出了普洱茶养生保健的科学观点。


  Analysis on Health Mechanism of Yunnan Pu’er Tea

  Zhou hongjie Gong jiashun

  (1.College of pu’er tea,yunnan agriculture university;research academy of yunnan pu’er tea.

  2.Faculty of food science and technology, yunnan agriculture university Kunming China,650201)

  Abstract: Based on the conception of yunnan pu’er tea and on the result of analysis research which are combined with product samples from different factories of pu’er tea, this article has put forward scientific viewpoint on keeping in good health and caring for one’s health of yunnan pu’er te

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