#1 楼主 admin | 只看他(她)
2012-09-22 08:09:57 引用

1、prepare tea ware   备具

2、from still to ready position :从静态到动态

3、prepare water 备水

4、warm pot 温壶

5、prepare tea 备茶; 

6、recognize tea 识茶

7、appreciate tea   赏茶; 

8、warm pitcher 温盅

9、put in tea 置茶; 

10、smell fragrance 闻香

11、first infusion 第一道茶; 

12、set timer   计时

13、warm cups 烫杯;
14、pour tea 倒茶

15、prepare cups 备杯; 

16、divide tea 分茶

17、serve tea by cups 端杯奉茶; 

18、second infusion 冲第二道茶

19、serve tea by pitcher 持盅奉茶; 

20、supply snacks or water 供应茶点或品泉

21、take out brewed leaves 去渣; 

22、appreciate leaves 赏叶底

23、rinse pot 涮壶; 

24、return to seat 归位

25、rinse pitcher 清盅;  

26、collect cups 收杯

27、conclude 结束
#2 抚春弄夏 | 只看他(她)
2012-09-23 00:09:30 引用