6)青砖 Qing Brick Tea
Processed from Laoqing Dark Tea, it’s mainly sold to Mongolia and Russia.
7)帽盒茶 Maohe Tea
The shape of the tea like hat, two teas put in a box..
8)洞砖 Dong Brick Tea
The predecessor of Qing Drick Tea, it originated in Yangloudong Town of Hubei.
9)米砖 Mi Brick Tea
Compressed with black tea fanning, it’s also called Xiaojing Drick Tea.
10)小京砖 Xiaojing Drick Tea
Compressed with black tea fanning in Hubei ,it’s mainly sold to Mingolia and Russia.
11)千两茶 Qianliang Tea
Compressed dark tea made by traditional manual method, and packed with bamboo basket, it’s about 36.25 kilogram.
12)普洱茶 Pu’er Tea