tractThe spring shoot growth dynamic was examined and studied with five cultivars in the west-Sichuan tea area. The result is that under the condition of and elevation of 1060 metres in west-Sichuan, every variety has significant difference in growth time and intensity of spring shoot. Fuding Dabai cha still has the early buddng, fast spreading and early plucking varietal characteristics. Famous tea begins to pluck 6 to 10 days earlier than the others. Statoblasts of these varieties need 19 to 26 days and accumulated temperature 150 to 220 degrees cntigrade, to form a bud with a leaf, while 37 to 53 days and 330 to 510 degrees centigrade to from a bud with 3 leaves. So famous tea in high elevations begins to pluck later commonly. Early budding and high efficient planting techniques should be taken to pluck famous tea materials more and earlier.
Key wordsTEA VARIETY SPRING SHOOT GROWTH DYNAMIC ACCUMULATED TEMPERATURE FAMOUS TEA.茶树春梢是生产名优茶的重要原料,新梢又是着生叶片进行光合作用、制造有机物质的器官。因此,对春梢生长发育的物候研究,对于提高
1 材料与方法1.1 观测品种四川苗溪茶场茶科所品种园内种植的福鼎大
1.2 观测内容和方法每个品种选择5丛茶树,每丛选择6个腋芽挂牌。观察记录挂牌芽的萌芽状况、新梢长度、展叶数目、叶片面积和节间长度。每2~3天观测一次,同时测定记录2~5月的日平均气温。
2 结果与分析2.1 不同品种的春梢伸育期比较春梢伸育期受品种、气候、茶园管理技术等因素的影响,在立地条件和管理技术一致的情况下,则取决于品种特性。观测结果(表1)表明,5个品种春梢的各生育时期有明显的不同,福鼎大
白茶为早生品种,在川西海拔1060m的地域条件下,仍具早萌的特性,伸育期一般要比其余品种提早2~18天。表1 不同茶树品种的春梢生育期Table 1 The spring shoot growth stage of different varieties