Valley In Himachal Pradesh, North-West India where tea is grown on some 1,200 small holdings each just a few hectares in size. Green tea production predominates.Keemun
A fine grade of black-leaf China Congou tea produced in the Anhui province.Kenya
An East Africa tea producing country, which produces some of the finest black teas from the African continent. Kenya teas are used for blending purposes as well as being sold as speciality tea in its own right. It is a bright coppery tea with a pleasantly brisk flavour.Kericho
The home of the state-owned Kenya Tea Packing Factory from which the internal market is supplied.Lakhimpur
A tea growing district in Assam, North India.Lapsang Souchong
A black tea from China and today Formosa which is smoked giving it its smoky tarry flavour and aroma.Malawi
African tea producer