发布时间 2012-08-10 浏览 47222 次
ied.It was found that manganese(Ⅱ) reacts with DBONPF in a medium of pH8.0~9.6 to form a 1∶2 complex with maximum absorption at 600nm.The molar absorptivity of the complex is 1.12×105L.mol-1.cm-1.Beer?s law is obeyed for manganese(Ⅱ) in the range of 0~200μg.L-1.Trace amounts of manganese in tea have been determined by proposed method and the results obtained are satisfactory.

Key words: manganese; DBONPF; spectrophotometry锰是人体必需的微量元素之一,能促进人体的发育且具有抗癌作用[1],缺锰时会使内分泌功能紊乱,表现出营养不良、骨骼畸形、性功能低下等不良症状.但锰过量也会引起中毒,所以研究微量锰的测定具有重要意义.测定锰的分光光度法较多[2,3],新显色剂4,5-二溴邻硝基苯基荧光酮自合成以来,已在一些金属的微量分析中得到应用[4,5],但测定微量锰的研究尚未见报道.本文研究了在表面活性剂存在下该试剂与锰的最佳显色条件,提出了一个高灵敏度测定锰的新体系.用所拟方法在

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